Words To Help

The Great Recycler

Sometimes we just feel like garbage. I’m not talking about when we are ill, and our bodies feel like trash. I mean when someone degrades us, or we can’t accomplish something we have worked really hard at. Or when we realize that we have screwed up big time. Or we disappoint someone whom we love… Continue reading The Great Recycler

Raw Honest Brave

God Is The Great “Recycler”

Okay, so this post is very open and raw. I have made myself vulnerable in order to reach you. I'm telling another part of my story. I believe that God wants to use all of our experiences as a way to connect with--and maybe bring hope to--another person's heart. I'm really glad that He does… Continue reading God Is The Great “Recycler”

Living With Gusto

The Lies That Bind Us

  You were created for a purpose and are amazing, creative, valuable, and productive. YOU were born to shine!! Do you believe that? Or do you struggle to believe that you were born to shine because instead you believe lies about yourself? Perhaps lies like you are stupid, unlovable, you will never amount to anything,… Continue reading The Lies That Bind Us

Living With Gusto

8 Ways To Kick Domestic Violence’s Ass (Guest Post)

Unfortunately, humans have a long history of domestic violence. Those who engage in it continue to murder and maim women, men, and children. As My Inner Chick says, "Let's get this straight...the definition of abuse is, 'When one belittles and makes another person feel small.' ”  NO one should have to endure people in their… Continue reading 8 Ways To Kick Domestic Violence’s Ass (Guest Post)

Words To Help

The Great Recycler

Sometimes we just feel like garbage. I’m not talking about when we are ill, and our bodies feel like trash. I mean when someone degrades us, or we can’t accomplish something we have worked really hard at. Or when we realize that we have screwed up big time. Or we disappoint someone whom we love… Continue reading The Great Recycler