Keepin' It Real

Your Mission Should You Choose To Accept It

  It’s my firm belief that our society could use a lot more attention. Not the “hey, look at me” kind of attention, but the kind that notices others. Attention to others: kindness, caring, listening, looking, touching, smiling, and sharing. Of course, in order for this to happen we’d need to lift our faces from… Continue reading Your Mission Should You Choose To Accept It

Keepin' It Real

Doubt is Unbelief

Stop doubting and believe! John 20:27 Jesus' disciples had just been through the worst time of their lives. Jesus, their  teacher and friend, had been killed and placed in a tomb. Three days later when some of the disciples told Thomas they had seen Jesus as the risen Lord, Thomas told them he had to… Continue reading Doubt is Unbelief

Living With Gusto

Strength: You’ve Got It

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." Bob Marley Most of us have been through things that have shown us—beyond our imaginings—what we are capable of. As we think back on those horrible days we are in awe of our perseverance and accomplishment, wondering how we… Continue reading Strength: You’ve Got It