Inspiration, Keepin' It Real, Raw Honest Brave

Alone But My True Self


“As I sit down to eat, alone, the quiet forces me to feel…to feel everything that I am supposed to feel. And in the quiet, I will learn about myself. I will ask myself the tough questions, I will experience my vulnerability and I will explore possibilities that I might not have ever considered. All because I have given myself permission to do so.” From Laura DiFranco’s blog post.

Oh my goodness, YES!!
I’d left my husband the year before, had no job, kids were in school, and it was quiet. Alone, not needing to please anyone, or be anywhere, or do anything….and I sat quietly and began to unravel everyone’s opinions of who I was. Began to peel back the layers of protection, pretense, and people-pleasing. Began to hear my true self quietly speak to my heart and took stock of how I’d been living….decided it was time to become ME!! After a bit of speaking truth to myself and stomping the lies I’d believed, I had begun to reprogram my brain and my self-belief system. Wow, was THAT a monumental task and a momentous day!! Changed my life forever!
And if I’d never been alone, and not afraid of the quiet, I doubt I’d have been able to hear my true self’s voice.

You have to take the time to listen, and quit running and hiding.

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