Living With Gusto

#GirlsCan: Women Empowerment

#GirlsCan: Women Empowerment | COVERGIRL – YouTube.

I sure can identify with this video. I know it’s promoting a product. But I really like it!

Why? Because~

I was told I can’t be so loud.

I can’t dance.

I can’t touch people so much.

I can’t love like that.

I can’t have feelings of anger.

I can’t do things right.

I can’t have–or even ask for–what I want.

I can’t dress like that.

I can’t say those things.

But guess what?
You can buy this card HERE!

I AM, I CAN, and I DO! I say that with pride of accomplishment! With the feeling of freedom under my wings. I say that with all the gusto and bravo I can muster, because each breath of being the real ME, the one that is noisy, loud, active, passionate, who loves to touch people, and love people……

THAT LADY…that PASSIONISTA…..THIS one right here? I have earned the right to BE, through blood, sweat, and oceans of tears!!

And I gotta say, as I take deep, life-giving breaths into my giddy-with-freedom body….



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I’d give you an extra big hug. Thanks!

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