Living With Gusto

EmPOWordment Cards by Mimi

Perhaps you’ve noticed I’ve been a bit MIA lately. Hmmm?

Well one thing for sure, I haven’t posted in a while. You see, I’ve been just a tad busy. 

“Doing what?” you may ask. SOOO glad you did! Because I have an announcement to make!!

TaDaaaaa!! Presenting~~~~~


Say WHAAAT? What kind of word is “EmPOWordment”, anyway?

It’s a Mimi kind of word. It means

words that empower and encourage“!

And that is the kind of person I am. My goal is to help you empower and encourage others too, because, for goodness sake, we NEED it these days!!

You are amazing with a side of sprinkles

As Passionista At Large (my speaking-for-events business) my goal is to uplift, empower, inspire, ignite, inform, and give hugs to as many women (and some men too) as I possibly can. Thus, I signed up for a vendor show,

to “get myself out there”.

As I pondered how to draw people to my otherwise-empty booth,

I thought…

your life is a canvas

“If I have something to attract them to my table,

then I can talk to them, they will fall in love with me, and invite me to speak!”

Great plan, right?

You've got this

In no time at all the idea of creating inexpensive cards for people to give to others just burst from my heart into my computer and I had designed several cards. Then as the idea grew into a full-blown forest fire I designed even more, thinking of the people these cards could touch

WOW YOU DID IT!Whoo hoo great job

~Parents can put them in lunch boxes, back packs, on the bathroom mirror, or their child’s door or bed to support and congratulate.

~Teachers can hand them out as encouragement.

impossible only means I'm possible

~Lovers can leave them in conspicuous spots.

oh darling I love you flight

~Workers can drop them on their friends’ desks.


think live believe BIG

~Military families can mail them to their loved ones.

This one is her favorite, and she wants to give it to her two daughters in a frame.

Love is friendship caught fire.

~Those who send cards as a ministry will find them useful.   Believe

My brain kept seeing new ways for these words to bring light into people’s hearts and lives. 

Why are you trying to fit in

As Passionista, I designed many of them for the women I’ll be speaking to.

you are absolutely fabulousQueen of Courage border logo

To help them understand how amazing and awesome they are!

don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle

To reassure them that they are not alone in their struggles and walk.

 Don't live afraid (2)

That many of us have been through it.

Don't tell me the sky

We survived. We blossomed. We are united.

Your dreams

But I know that everyone’s spirit blossoms with encouragement so these are for YOU too.

I hope that you feel encouraged just reading them!

And if you’d like to pass them along via sharing and liking and pinning, that’s great! Please do!

If, like me, you prefer the paper variety, something tangible you can hold, return to and reread when you need it, then I actually have these for SALE!! Can you believe it?

You can shop right here! EmPOWordmentCards

Take a look. And I would be sooo delighted if you would share the word. I feel honored that my words will end up in the hearts and hands of others.

Thank you for your encouragement and support. You are part of why I do this!

May you have many sprinkles to share today!

Hugs, Passionista

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