Living With Gusto

You’re Supposed To Be Afraid!

I just read an amazing post by Lori Fields of “Your Worthy Self”. She is such an inspiration to me, and I love that we work together in the trenches to help women realize how amazing, worthy, creative, capable, and enough they are.

She speaks of fear as that which helps us grow… “You no longer have to subscribe to the belief that being scared equals being weak. Fear is always part of the landscape when you’re trying to do great things.”

And that our lives NEED resistance to grow!!

My insert here is to think of the plant that has to push its way through the soil (sometimes very hard, packed earth) in order to grow into what it was created to be! Those plants are way stronger and mature and more beautiful than those seedlings that lay on top of the soil and grow spindly and weak.

“The thing you push against is the thing that lifts you up.” – Delta Airlines

“Pushing off against your fear is what allows you to become who you’ve always wanted to be.” 

Go to her post and read every. single. word! Let it teach and inspire you.

if you don't jump

I equate doing something you are afraid of as “jumping off the high dive”. Taking the plunge into the unknown. You never know unless you try. All those cliches people use that are true. And most usually, you will astound yourself. You may fly. You may discover something about yourself that you really like. And better yet, you will have pushed against the fear!

And THAT’s what I’m talkin’ about!! You ROCK!!

Love and flight, Passionista Mimi

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